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#include-once ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.0 ; Language: English ; Description: Functions that assist with files and directories. ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Returns the number of lines in the specified file. ; Syntax: _FileCountLines( $sFilePath ) ; Parameter(s): $sFilePath - Path and filename of the file to be read ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns number of lines in the file ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error = 1 ; Author(s): Tylo <tylo at start dot no> ; Note(s): It does not count a final @LF as a line. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileCountLines($sFilePath) Local $N = FileGetSize($sFilePath) - 1 If @error Or $N = -1 Then Return 0 Return StringLen(StringAddCR(FileRead($sFilePath, $N))) - $N + 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileCountLines ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Creates or zero's out the length of the file specified. ; Syntax: _FileCreate( $sFilePath ) ; Parameter(s): $sFilePath - Path and filename of the file to be created ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets: ; @error = 1: Error opening specified file ; @error = 2: File could not be written to ; Author(s): Brian Keene <brian_keene at yahoo dot com> ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileCreate($sFilePath) ;============================================== ; Local Constant/Variable Declaration Section ;============================================== Local $hOpenFile Local $hWriteFile $hOpenFile = FileOpen($sFilePath, 2) If $hOpenFile = -1 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $hWriteFile = FileWrite($hOpenFile, "") If $hWriteFile = -1 Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf FileClose($hOpenFile) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileCreate ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: lists all files and folders in a specified path (Similar to using Dir with the /B Switch) ; Syntax: _FileListToArray($sPath, $sFilter = "*", $iFlag = 0) ; Parameter(s): $sPath = Path to generate filelist for ; $iFlag = determines weather to return file or folders or both ; $sFilter = The filter to use. Search the Autoit3 manual for the word "WildCards" For details ; $iFlag=0(Default) Return both files and folders ; $iFlag=1 Return files Only ; $iFlag=2 Return Folders Only ; ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an array containing the list of files and folders in the specified path ; On Failure - Returns the an empty string "" if no files are found and sets @Error on errors ; @Error=1 Path not found or invalid ; @Error=2 Invalid $sFilter ; @Error=3 Invalid $iFlag ; @Error=4 No File(s) Found ; ; Author(s): SolidSnake <MetalGX91 at GMail dot com> ; Note(s): The array returned is one-dimensional and is made up as follows: ; $array[0] = Number of Files\Folders returned ; $array[1] = 1st File\Folder ; $array[2] = 2nd File\Folder ; $array[3] = 3rd File\Folder ; $array[n] = nth File\Folder ; ; Special Thanks to Helge and Layer for help with the $iFlag update ;=============================================================================== Func _FileListToArray($sPath, $sFilter = "*", $iFlag = 0) Local $hSearch, $sFile, $asFileList[1] If Not FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(1, 1, "") If (StringInStr($sFilter, "\")) Or (StringInStr($sFilter, "/")) Or (StringInStr($sFilter, ":")) Or (StringInStr($sFilter, ">")) Or (StringInStr($sFilter, "<")) Or (StringInStr($sFilter, "|")) Or (StringStripWS($sFilter, 8) = "") Then Return SetError(2, 2, "") If Not ($iFlag = 0 Or $iFlag = 1 Or $iFlag = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 3, "") $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($sPath & "\" & $sFilter) If $hSearch = -1 Then Return SetError(4, 4, "") While 1 $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearch) If @error Then SetError(0) ExitLoop EndIf If $iFlag = 1 And StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sPath & "\" & $sFile), "D") <> 0 Then ContinueLoop If $iFlag = 2 And StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sPath & "\" & $sFile), "D") = 0 Then ContinueLoop ReDim $asFileList[UBound($asFileList) + 1] $asFileList[0] = $asFileList[0] + 1 $asFileList[UBound($asFileList) - 1] = $sFile WEnd FileClose($hSearch) Return $asFileList EndFunc ;==>_FileListToArray ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: _FilePrint() ; Description: Prints a plain text file. ; Syntax: _FilePrint ( $s_File [, $i_Show] ) ; ; Parameter(s): $s_File = The file to print. ; $i_Show = The state of the window. (default = @SW_HIDE) ; ; Requirement(s): External: = shell32.dll (it's already in system32). ; Internal: = None. ; ; Return Value(s): On Success: = Returns 1. ; On Failure: = Returns 0 and sets @error according to the global constants list. ; ; Author(s): erifash <erifash [at] gmail [dot] com> ; ; Note(s): Uses the ShellExecute function of shell32.dll. ; ; Example(s): ; _FilePrint("C:\file.txt") ;=============================================================================== Func _FilePrint($s_File, $i_Show = @SW_HIDE) Local $a_Ret = DllCall("shell32.dll", "long", "ShellExecute", _ "hwnd", 0, _ "string", "print", _ "string", $s_File, _ "string", "", _ "string", "", _ "int", $i_Show) If $a_Ret[0] > 32 And Not @error Then Return 1 Else SetError($a_Ret[0]) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FilePrint ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Reads the specified file into an array. ; Syntax: _FileReadToArray( $sFilePath, $aArray ) ; Parameter(s): $sFilePath - Path and filename of the file to be read ; $aArray - The array to store the contents of the file ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error = 1 ; Author(s): Jonathan Bennett <jon at hiddensoft dot com> ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileReadToArray($sFilePath, ByRef $aArray) ;============================================== ; Local Constant/Variable Declaration Section ;============================================== Local $hFile $hFile = FileOpen($sFilePath, 0) If $hFile = -1 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $aArray = StringSplit(StringStripCR(FileRead($hFile, FileGetSize($sFilePath))), @LF) FileClose($hFile) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileReadToArray ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Write array to File. ; Syntax: _FileWriteFromArray( $sFilePath, $aArray ) ; Parameter(s): $sFilePath - Path and filename of the file to be written ; $a_Array - The array to retrieve the contents ; $i_Base - Start reading at this Array entry. ; $I_Ubound - End reading at this Array entry. ; Default UBound($a_Array) - 1 ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error = 1 ; Author(s): Jos van der Zande <jdeb at autoitscript dot com> ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileWriteFromArray($sFilePath, $a_Array, $i_Base = 0, $i_UBound = 0) ;============================================== ; Local Constant/Variable Declaration Section ;============================================== Local $hFile ; Check if we have a valid array as input If Not IsArray($a_Array) Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf ; determine last entry Local $last = UBound($a_Array) - 1 If $i_UBound < 1 Or $i_UBound > $last Then $i_UBound = $last If $i_Base < 0 Or $i_Base > $last Then $i_Base = 0 ; Open output file $hFile = FileOpen($sFilePath, 2) If $hFile = -1 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf ; FileWrite($hFile, $a_Array[$i_Base]) For $x = $i_Base + 1 To $i_UBound FileWrite($hFile, @CRLF & $a_Array[$x]) Next FileClose($hFile) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteFromArray ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Writes the specified text to a log file. ; Syntax: _FileWriteLog( $sLogPath, $sLogMsg ) ; Parameter(s): $sLogPath - Path and filename to the log file ; $sLogMsg - Message to be written to the log file ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets: ; @error = 1: Error opening specified file ; @error = 2: File could not be written to ; Author(s): Jeremy Landes <jlandes at landeserve dot com> ; Note(s): If the text to be appended does NOT end in @CR or @LF then ; a DOS linefeed (@CRLF) will be automatically added. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _FileWriteLog($sLogPath, $sLogMsg) ;============================================== ; Local Constant/Variable Declaration Section ;============================================== Local $sDateNow Local $sTimeNow Local $sMsg Local $hOpenFile Local $hWriteFile $sDateNow = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY $sTimeNow = @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC $sMsg = $sDateNow & " " & $sTimeNow & " : " & $sLogMsg $hOpenFile = FileOpen($sLogPath, 1) If $hOpenFile = -1 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $hWriteFile = FileWriteLine($hOpenFile, $sMsg) If $hWriteFile = -1 Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf FileClose($hOpenFile) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteLog ;======================================== ;Function name: _FileWriteToLine ;Description: Write text to specified line in a file ;Parameters: ; $sFile - The file to write to ; $iLine - The line number to write to ; $sText - The text to write ; $fOverWrite - if set to 1 will overwrite the old line ; if set to 0 will not overwrite ;Requirement(s): None ;Return Value(s): On success - 1 ; On Failure - 0 And sets @ERROR ; @ERROR = 1 - File has less lines than $iLine ; @ERROR = 2 - File does not exist ; @ERROR = 3 - Error opening file ; @ERROR = 4 - $iLine is invalid ; @ERROR = 5 - $fOverWrite is invalid ; @ERROR = 6 - $sText is invalid ;Author(s): cdkid ;Note(s): ;========================================= Func _FileWriteToLine($sFile, $iLine, $sText, $fOverWrite = 0) If $iLine <= 0 Then SetError(4) Return 0 EndIf If Not IsString($sText) Then SetError(6) Return 0 EndIf If $fOverWrite <> 0 And $fOverWrite <> 1 Then SetError(5) Return 0 EndIf If Not FileExists($sFile) Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf Local $filtxt = FileRead($sFile, FileGetSize($sFile)) $filtxt = StringSplit($filtxt, @CRLF, 1) If UBound($filtxt, 1) < $iLine Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $fil = FileOpen($sFile, 2) If $fil = -1 Then SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf For $i = 1 To UBound($filtxt) - 1 If $i = $iLine Then If $fOverWrite = 1 Then If $sText <> '' Then FileWrite($fil, $sText & @CRLF) Else FileWrite($fil, $sText) EndIf EndIf If $fOverWrite = 0 Then FileWrite($fil, $sText & @CRLF) FileWrite($fil, $filtxt[$i] & @CRLF) EndIf ElseIf $i < UBound($filtxt, 1) - 1 Then FileWrite($fil, $filtxt[$i] & @CRLF) ElseIf $i = UBound($filtxt, 1) - 1 Then FileWrite($fil, $filtxt[$i]) EndIf Next FileClose($fil) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_FileWriteToLine ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Treats ..\ as Returns a path after processing the directory change operator .. to move the path up ; one level. ; Syntax: _PathFull($sRelativePath, $sBasePath = @WorkingDir) ; Parameter(s): $sRelativePath - The path to process. ; $sBasePath$sType - A base path to use if an absolute path is not provided. This defaults to the ; current working directory. ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): The expanded path, the root drive or $sBasePath depending on how it's called. ; Author(s): Valik (Original function and modification to rewrite) ; tittoproject (Rewrite) ; Note(s): UNC paths are supported. ; Pass "\" to get the root drive of $sBasePath. ; Pass "" or "." to return $sBasePath. ; A relative path will be built relative to $sBasePath. To bypass this behavior, use an absolute path. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PathFull($sRelativePath, $sBasePath = @WorkingDir) If Not $sRelativePath Or $sRelativePath = "." Then Return $sBasePath ; Normalize slash direction. Local $sFullPath = StringReplace($sRelativePath, "/", "\") ; Holds the full path (later, minus the root) Local $sPath ; Holds the root drive/server Local $bRootOnly = False ; Return only root information ; Check to see if the path is all slashes and if so, set a flag so that ; we only return the root path. StringReplace($sFullPath, "\", "") If @extended = StringLen($sFullPath) Then $bRootOnly = True ; Check for UNC paths or local drives. We run this twice at most. The ; first time, we check if the relative path is absolute. If it's not, then ; we use the base path which should be absolute. For $i = 1 To 2 $sPath = StringLeft($sFullPath, 2) If $sPath = "\\" Then $sFullPath = StringTrimLeft($sFullPath, 2) $sPath &= StringLeft($sFullPath, StringInStr($sFullPath, "\") - 1) ExitLoop ElseIf StringRight($sPath, 1) = ":" Then $sFullPath = StringTrimLeft($sFullPath, 2) ExitLoop Else $sFullPath = $sBasePath & "\" & $sFullPath EndIf Next ; If this happens, we've found a funky path and don't know what to do ; except for get out as fast as possible. We've also screwed up our ; variables so we definitely need to quit. If $i = 3 Then Return "" ; Build an array of the path parts we want to use. Local $aTemp = StringSplit($sFullPath, "\") Local $aPathParts[$aTemp[0]], $j = 0 For $i = 2 To $aTemp[0] If $aTemp[$i] = ".." Then If $j Then $j -= 1 ElseIf Not ($aTemp[$i] = "" And $i <> $aTemp[0]) And $aTemp[$i] <> "." Then $aPathParts[$j] = $aTemp[$i] $j += 1 EndIf Next ; Here we re-build the path from the parts above. We skip the ; loop if we are only returning the root. $sFullPath = $sPath If Not $bRootOnly Then For $i = 0 To $j - 1 $sFullPath &= "\" & $aPathParts[$i] Next Else $sFullPath &= "\" EndIf ; Clean up the path. While StringInStr($sFullPath, ".\") $sFullPath = StringReplace($sFullPath, ".\", "\") WEnd Return $sFullPath EndFunc ;==>_PathFull ; =================================================================== ; Author: Valik ; ; _PathMake($szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt) ; ; Creates a string containing the path from drive, directory, file name and file extension parts. Not all parts must be ; passed. The path will still be built with what is passed. This doesn't check the validity of the path ; created, it could contain characters which are invalid on your filesystem. ; Parameters: ; $szDrive - IN - Drive (Can be UNC). If it's a drive letter, a : is automatically appended ; $szDir - IN - Directory. A trailing slash is added if not found (No preceeding slash is added) ; $szFName - IN - The name of the file ; $szExt - IN - The file extension. A period is supplied if not found in the extension ; Returns: ; The string for the newly created path ; =================================================================== Func _PathMake($szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt) ; Format $szDrive, if it's not a UNC server name, then just get the drive letter and add a colon Local $szFullPath ; If StringLen($szDrive) Then If Not (StringLeft($szDrive, 2) = "\\") Then $szDrive = StringLeft($szDrive, 1) & ":" EndIf ; Format the directory by adding any necessary slashes If StringLen($szDir) Then If Not (StringRight($szDir, 1) = "\") And Not (StringRight($szDir, 1) = "/") Then $szDir = $szDir & "\" EndIf ; Nothing to be done for the filename ; Add the period to the extension if necessary If StringLen($szExt) Then If Not (StringLeft($szExt, 1) = ".") Then $szExt = "." & $szExt EndIf $szFullPath = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & $szExt Return $szFullPath EndFunc ;==>_PathMake ; =================================================================== ; Author: Valik ; ; _PathSplit($szPath, ByRef $szDrive, ByRef $szDir, ByRef $szFName, ByRef $szExt) ; ; Splits a path into the drive, directory, file name and file extension parts. An empty string is set if a ; part is missing. ; Parameters: ; $szPath - IN - The path to be split (Can contain a UNC server or drive letter) ; $szDrive - OUT - String to hold the drive ; $szDir - OUT - String to hold the directory ; $szFName - OUT - String to hold the file name ; $szExt - OUT - String to hold the file extension ; Returns: ; Array with 5 elements where 0 = original path, 1 = drive, 2 = directory, 3 = filename, 4 = extension ; =================================================================== Func _PathSplit($szPath, ByRef $szDrive, ByRef $szDir, ByRef $szFName, ByRef $szExt) ; Set local strings to null (We use local strings in case one of the arguments is the same variable) Local $drive = "" Local $dir = "" Local $fname = "" Local $ext = "" Local $pos ; Create an array which will be filled and returned later Local $array[5] $array[0] = $szPath; $szPath can get destroyed, so it needs set now ; Get drive letter if present (Can be a UNC server) If StringMid($szPath, 2, 1) = ":" Then $drive = StringLeft($szPath, 2) $szPath = StringTrimLeft($szPath, 2) ElseIf StringLeft($szPath, 2) = "\\" Then $szPath = StringTrimLeft($szPath, 2) ; Trim the \\ $pos = StringInStr($szPath, "\") If $pos = 0 Then $pos = StringInStr($szPath, "/") If $pos = 0 Then $drive = "\\" & $szPath; Prepend the \\ we stripped earlier $szPath = ""; Set to null because the whole path was just the UNC server name Else $drive = "\\" & StringLeft($szPath, $pos - 1) ; Prepend the \\ we stripped earlier $szPath = StringTrimLeft($szPath, $pos - 1) EndIf EndIf ; Set the directory and file name if present Local $nPosForward = StringInStr($szPath, "/", 0, -1) Local $nPosBackward = StringInStr($szPath, "\", 0, -1) If $nPosForward >= $nPosBackward Then $pos = $nPosForward Else $pos = $nPosBackward EndIf $dir = StringLeft($szPath, $pos) $fname = StringRight($szPath, StringLen($szPath) - $pos) ; If $szDir wasn't set, then the whole path must just be a file, so set the filename If StringLen($dir) = 0 Then $fname = $szPath $pos = StringInStr($fname, ".", 0, -1) If $pos Then $ext = StringRight($fname, StringLen($fname) - ($pos - 1)) $fname = StringLeft($fname, $pos - 1) EndIf ; Set the strings and array to what we found $szDrive = $drive $szDir = $dir $szFName = $fname $szExt = $ext $array[1] = $drive $array[2] = $dir $array[3] = $fname $array[4] = $ext Return $array EndFunc ;==>_PathSplit ; =================================================================== ; Author: Kurt (aka /dev/null) and JdeB ; ; _ReplaceStringInFile($szFileName, $szSearchString, $szReplaceString,$bCaseness = 0, $bOccurance = 0) ; ; Replaces a string ($szSearchString) with another string ($szReplaceString) the given TEXT file ; (via filename) ; ; Operation: ; The funnction opens the original file for reading and a temp file for writing. Then ; it reads in all lines and searches for the string. If it was found, the original line will be ; modified and written to the temp file. If the string was not found, the original line will be ; written to the temp file. At the end the original file will be deleted and the temp file will ; be renamed. ; ; Parameters: ; $szFileName name of the file to open. ; ATTENTION !! Needs the FULL path, not just the name returned by eg. FileFindNextFile ; $szSearchString The string we want to replace in the file ; $szReplaceString The string we want as a replacement for $szSearchString ; $fCaseness shall case matter? ; 0 = NO, case doe not matter (default), 1 = YES, case does matter ; $fOccurance shall we replace the string in every line or just the first occurance ; 0 = first only, 1 = ALL strings (default) ; ; Return Value(s): ; On Success Returns the number of occurences of $szSearchString we found ; ; On Failure Returns -1 sets @error ; @error=1 Cannot open file ; @error=2 Cannot open temp file ; @error=3 Cannot write to temp file ; @error=4 Cannot delete original file ; @error=5 Cannot rename/move temp file ; @error=6 File has read-only attribute ; ; =================================================================== Func _ReplaceStringInFile($szFileName, $szSearchString, $szReplaceString, $fCaseness = 0, $fOccurance = 1) Local $iRetVal = 0 Local $hWriteHandle, $aFileLines, $nCount, $sEndsWith, $hFile ; Check if file is readonly .. If StringInstr(FileGetAttrib($szFileName),"R") then SetError(6) Return -1 EndIf ;=============================================================================== ;== Read the file into an array ;=============================================================================== $hFile = FileOpen($szFileName, 0) If $hFile = -1 Then SetError(1) Return -1 EndIf Local $s_TotFile = FileRead($hFile, FileGetSize($szFileName)) If StringRight($s_TotFile, 2) = @CRLF Then $sEndsWith = @CRLF ElseIf StringRight($s_TotFile, 1) = @CR Then $sEndsWith = @CR ElseIf StringRight($s_TotFile, 1) = @LF Then $sEndsWith = @LF Else $sEndsWith = "" EndIf $aFileLines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($s_TotFile), @LF) FileClose($hFile) ;=============================================================================== ;== Open the output file in write mode ;=============================================================================== $hWriteHandle = FileOpen($szFileName, 2) If $hWriteHandle = -1 Then SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf ;=============================================================================== ;== Loop through the array and search for $szSearchString ;=============================================================================== For $nCount = 1 To $aFileLines[0] If StringInStr($aFileLines[$nCount], $szSearchString, $fCaseness) Then $aFileLines[$nCount] = StringReplace($aFileLines[$nCount], $szSearchString, $szReplaceString, 1 - $fOccurance, $fCaseness) $iRetVal = $iRetVal + 1 ;====================================================================== ;== If we want just the first string replaced, copy the rest of the lines ;== and stop ;====================================================================== If $fOccurance = 0 Then $iRetVal = 1 ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next ;=============================================================================== ;== Write the lines back to original file. ;=============================================================================== For $nCount = 1 To $aFileLines[0] - 1 If FileWriteLine($hWriteHandle, $aFileLines[$nCount]) = 0 Then SetError(3) FileClose($hWriteHandle) Return -1 EndIf Next ; Write the last record and ensure it ends with the same as the input file If $aFileLines[$nCount] <> "" Then FileWrite($hWriteHandle, $aFileLines[$nCount] & $sEndsWith) FileClose($hWriteHandle) Return $iRetVal EndFunc ;==>_ReplaceStringInFile ;======================================================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _TempFile([s_DirectoryName],[s_FilePrefix], [s_FileExtension], [i_RandomLength) ; Description: Generate a name for a temporary file. The file is guaranteed not to already exist. ; Parameter(s): ; $s_DirectoryName optional Name of directory for filename, defaults to @TempDir ; $s_FilePrefix optional File prefixname, defaults to "~" ; $s_FileExtension optional File extenstion, defaults to ".tmp" ; $i_RandomLength optional Number of characters to use to generate a unique name, defaults to 7 ; Requirement(s): None. ; Return Value(s): Filename of a temporary file which does not exist. ; Author(s): Dale (Klaatu) Thompson ; Hans Harder - Added Optional parameters ; Notes: None. ; ;======================================================================================================== Func _TempFile($s_DirectoryName = @TempDir, $s_FilePrefix = "~", $s_FileExtension = ".tmp", $i_RandomLength = 7) Local $s_TempName ; Check parameters If Not FileExists($s_DirectoryName) Then $s_DirectoryName = @TempDir ; First reset to default temp dir If Not FileExists($s_DirectoryName) Then $s_DirectoryName = @ScriptDir ; Still wrong then set to Scriptdir ; add trailing \ for directory name If StringRight($s_DirectoryName, 1) <> "\" Then $s_DirectoryName = $s_DirectoryName & "\" ; Do $s_TempName = "" While StringLen($s_TempName) < $i_RandomLength $s_TempName = $s_TempName & Chr(Random(97, 122, 1)) WEnd $s_TempName = $s_DirectoryName & $s_FilePrefix & $s_TempName & $s_FileExtension Until Not FileExists($s_TempName) Return ($s_TempName) EndFunc ;==>_TempFile